Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11-special edition

it is well with my soul

“when peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
it is well, it is well, with my soul.”

remembering those who lost their lives on this day, 10 years ago. and ever thankful for the hero’s on that day, and today. thank you to the men and women who risk their lives day-in and day-out, for me. my heart goes out to the families who still suffer the loss of a loved one.

we sang “it is well with my soul” in church, this morning, and it seemed appropriate to post this song on my blog, today, as the song goes on to say, “when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my soul.” though life hands us sorrows, and trials, we should press on and remember that “it is well with my soul”. He will bring us out of it, and if we rely on Him then things will work out. maybe not as we would like, but He has the ultimate plan.

and He had the Ultimate plan on this day 10 years ago. He knew what He was doing. maybe it was to bring this Nation closer together, to make people question and then turn to Him? we will never know until that day, when we can ask face-to-face. so, for now, remember these lyrics to the famous hymn, “it is well with my soul.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dear North Face [Rain Jacket]

Thank you, oh so much, for your great, handy, useful, and best rain jacket. You saved my butt when I walked out of class and it was pouring down rain. Luckily, I grabbed you out of the car, before heading to class. I wasn't smart enough to bring an umbrella, but you covered the job perfectly. Around 5 minutes into my walk I realized how thankful I was for jeans were soaking wet, my feet and hands were cold, but you kept my upper-half warmer and dry! I was very impressed. So, thank you North Face for creating such a wonderful, and truly a waterproof rain jacket. You really made me semi-happier to be walking in the rain. :)
xo Meg

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dear Virginia

Oh, Virginia, you’ve been so good to me. Thank you for providing these mornings of sleeping past 9:30am, of sitting and having family breakfasts-not just the occasional family dinners, playing disk golf-losers always bought the drinks afterwards, going to the pool whenever we pleased, watching my brothers & dad play golf, rounds upon rounds of bananagrams, Boy Meets World DVD nights, movie nights, chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream in the freezer, trips to Target just to get decent coffee at the Starbucks, time to read my books, and much, much more!

Thank you for love the of my family and relaxation. Thank you for vacations, they should be taken more often.
Cheers, Meg

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dear Patience

Thank you for existing in my life. I've been using you quite frequently, as of late. I have to be honest, I don't like it when I have to use you, but we can't get everything we want in life, can we? Thank you for teaching me many lessons in my lifetime, and I am sure you will be teaching many more lessons, and for that I am thankful. Although you are quite hard to use and put into practice, you make things a bit easier to deal with. Thank you for teaching me the value of you and how much I take you for granted. So, thank you. You're much appreciated.
love, Meg

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dear Kleenex

Thank you for being of great use to me, recently. You know, with the whole season changing deal and allergies deciding to kick-in. I thank you for being readily available to wipe my eyes dry. You don't leave white fuzz around my eyes, which is why I prefer you rather than using a paper towel. And obviously I would not use my shirt sleeve because then it looks like I am smelling my arm pit every three minutes, nor do I use my fingers because that just smears the tears coming from my eyes; no good. Thank you for providing the best relief, and you are even portable which makes it nice when walking outside or somewhere outside of my home. With you, I think I will be able to survive allergy season [let's hope this is a short one], and of course with a little help from our friend, Claritin.
XO Meg

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dear joy

Thank you for being my overall emotion today. I don't have a particular reason for you, I kind of just woke up and there you were. The best explanation would be because of this agape love, that is shown to me day in and day out, by the amazing Father in heaven. He has chosen to given me another day to live, in hopes it's all for Him, and I cannot be unhappy about that. Thank you for this inexpressible joy, a feeling that I would never want to replace.
A bible verse comes to mind when thinking about this joy, "Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright heart. Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name." [psalm 97:11-12]

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear Rain

Thank you so much for your amazing smell, the smell of spring coming, and the infrequent visits you make. Without you the lovely flowers wouldn't be lovely, and the green grass wouldn't be green. You provide the best music to fall asleep to, and you give us an excuse to take a day off and relax-you must know we live a hectic life and we rarely stop and enjoy the moments. You make for the perfect movie day. Thank you for your presence, today, and giving me so much to be thankful for.
Cheers, Meg

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dear 80º

Thank you for making an appearance today. You have been missed, a lot. Thank you for providing the warmth of spring upon my face, the promise of summer to come, and the over all enjoyment of yourself. You are the reason I am smiling today, and I cannot thank you enough. Thank you for making it easier to get off of my butt and go outside, to enjoy you. You'll be a great accompaniment on my run this afternoon! Thanks for today, and please...stay as long as you would like.
Much love, Meg

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dear Washing Machines

Thank you for being invented. Just thank you. I take advantage of all the magic you do for my clothes. I am a clumsy young lady and I often don't think. I tend to get stains on my clothes, too thank you for bailing me out time and again. You help me to not have to buy new clothes. And besides the fact that you take away my stains, you keep them smelling fresh and clean. I really would be smelly if I didn't have you. So, thanks.
love, Meg

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dear Empty Bed

Thank you for being there to catch me when I fall back on a tiresome day. I really appreciate it. And most of all, I am thankful for the emptiness...I can now spread out and have sweet dreams. You know me well, and how much I love my space, when I the future it could change. I'll take advantage of the space while I're much appreciated.
The sleepy one, Meg

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dear legs

Thank you for not giving up on me, on my run. I know I pushed you today, and you probably don't like me right now. So, thank you. You did well and I am thankful. And I will be even more thankful tomorrow, when we do it all'll be thanking me in the long run. Especially in the summer, when I get to show you off and you're fit.
Always thinking the best for you, Meg

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dear retainers

Thank you for keeping my teeth straight, and feel "in place". I know, I left you at home, this morning. I forgot to pack you! How dare me. Yes, I do know I should be out of you by now, however I am scared my teeth will go back to how they were before they met you. We don't want that to happen, do we? So, I will be calling my parent's tomorrow and hopefully they can mail you guys to me. How does that sound? Trust me, my teeth will miss you! But let's make the most of this and think of this as a little vacation for y'all.
See you soon, Meg

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dear run

Thank you for making me less tired, and more have a way of doing that to me. Even though I hate the act of you [running] and even though it takes a whole lot of motivation to even get ready for a run, in the end I appreciate you. So, thanks for turning yourself into something good. It gives me a bit more motivation, now.
love, Meg

Dear Ibuprofen cold and sinus

Thank you for taking away my headache and stuffy nose. It gives me hope that I will be better by this time tomorrow, and I am a more enjoyable person to be around. Thank you for helping me not look like I am in a daze, like I was yesterday. But most of all, you are letting me enjoy this gorgeous, sunshiny day!
cheers, Meg

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dear adidas duffle bag

Thank you for being expandable. You treat me well, and I appreciate it. Thank you for allowing me to pack options for my vacation; you must know me well, by now, that I need the space.
your favorite user, Meg

Dear check that came in the mail today

Thank you for providing me with $40 to help me through this "money shortage". Thank you for relieving me some stress. I'm sure you will be used towards gas, what else is new? I leave Saturday for the trip, so I am sure you'll keep my checking account company until then. You're splendid and thanks for making me smile today.
love, Meg
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