Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Eye Doctor & Warby Parker

Thank you, eye doctor, for noticing my vision is getting worse -- seeing sports scores on the television has been cumbersome lately. Thank you for providing a new prescription. Though I don't like, and avoid at all costs, going to you I know it's needed. Today I didn't do too bad in the "pressure test", did I? It took less than five minutes, which is a big improvement from last year!!

And Warby Parker, thank you for having the "try-on-at-home" option of five pairs of glasses, for the indecisive lady I am. You're appreciated and within a week let's hope I can narrow down my options & make a decision.

Thank you for taking care of me.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dear Sun,

I've been consumed by so much of you the past two days, I feel like you've sucked all the energy out of me - but I'm sure as heck not complaining, because this kind of tired is welcomed. Thank you for your brilliance, the warmer temperatures. Thank you for making rolling the windows down and the music up  more enjoyable. Thank you for the slight change of color on my skin, the welcoming of hibernating freckles. You've put me in the best of moods lately, and I can't thank you enough. 

Stick around, 


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dear Sunday Mornings + Simplicity

Thank you for letting me lazily crawl out of bed -- and I mean crawl. Thank you for the quiet playlist I pre-made, it allows me to wake up slowly and Lord knows I needed it this morning. Thank you for the comfort of North Face long sleeves and pullovers, and Loft jeans - it makes for a much more relaxing morning. Thank you for the lack of a rush, compared to a weekday. Thank you for homemade coffee + a splash of caramel creamer.
But ultimately, thank you for opportunity to go and soak in His truth. It's something I cannot thank enough.

Half Asleep,
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