Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Eye Doctor & Warby Parker

Thank you, eye doctor, for noticing my vision is getting worse -- seeing sports scores on the television has been cumbersome lately. Thank you for providing a new prescription. Though I don't like, and avoid at all costs, going to you I know it's needed. Today I didn't do too bad in the "pressure test", did I? It took less than five minutes, which is a big improvement from last year!!

And Warby Parker, thank you for having the "try-on-at-home" option of five pairs of glasses, for the indecisive lady I am. You're appreciated and within a week let's hope I can narrow down my options & make a decision.

Thank you for taking care of me.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dear Sun,

I've been consumed by so much of you the past two days, I feel like you've sucked all the energy out of me - but I'm sure as heck not complaining, because this kind of tired is welcomed. Thank you for your brilliance, the warmer temperatures. Thank you for making rolling the windows down and the music up  more enjoyable. Thank you for the slight change of color on my skin, the welcoming of hibernating freckles. You've put me in the best of moods lately, and I can't thank you enough. 

Stick around, 


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dear Sunday Mornings + Simplicity

Thank you for letting me lazily crawl out of bed -- and I mean crawl. Thank you for the quiet playlist I pre-made, it allows me to wake up slowly and Lord knows I needed it this morning. Thank you for the comfort of North Face long sleeves and pullovers, and Loft jeans - it makes for a much more relaxing morning. Thank you for the lack of a rush, compared to a weekday. Thank you for homemade coffee + a splash of caramel creamer.
But ultimately, thank you for opportunity to go and soak in His truth. It's something I cannot thank enough.

Half Asleep,

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dear hot tea,

Thank you for temporarily soothing my sore throat and annoying cough. You've done it again and I appreciate it more than you know. The sweet taste of pear in you helped me enjoy you more, though you aren't hated without it. I look forward to our date tomorrow night -- same place, same time.
On the mend,

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dear Saturday Night's,

Thank you for being relaxing, open for spur-of-the-moment coffee runs, for the availability of a movie night, and just all around peace. Thank you for being a perfect evening for a hell-of-a-week; yet a wonderful week full of learning experiences and overwhelming amounts of advice. Thank you for calming me down and helping me enjoy the comfort of a couch. You're appreciated more than you may know.
with love, meg

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dear Country Music,

Where do I even start? It's days like today, where the sun is shining & warm, and the air is fresh in my lungs. And the only music that seems fitting, is you! You and your twang provide a refreshing sound in my ears. It's simple, really -- when the days are longer and the flowers start blooming that's when I appreciate you most. So, thank you. Thank you for your comfort on this glorious day! with love, meg

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dear God and my sister,

Thank you oh so, so much for just everything you've provided me in the past month. God, thankful doesn't even come close to scraping the surface as to how thankful I am for You. You know the depths of my heart and You, You finally brought those depths up to the surface, this past month. I was dishonest in a relationship [no I did not cheat] that I cared for, with all of my heart, and yet You still love me. This month has been sort of a transformation for me. It's been a tough, regretful, sorrowful, and difficult month--yet, it's been one of the biggest learning "moments" of my life. And Father, You stayed with me. You never left me, I left You. And through all of this You continue to stay by me. It's more than I could ask for.
And for my sister, my lovely sister, who is the best thing that's happened to me in my entire life. The one who stays by me through thick & thin. The one who, as a human, loves me despite my downfalls. She fought for me. She supported me, despite the fact that I was dishonest with her. She, she is an example of unconditional love. She will never know how much she means to me and how dearly I love her.
I am ever thankful.
xo meg

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11-special edition

it is well with my soul

“when peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
it is well, it is well, with my soul.”

remembering those who lost their lives on this day, 10 years ago. and ever thankful for the hero’s on that day, and today. thank you to the men and women who risk their lives day-in and day-out, for me. my heart goes out to the families who still suffer the loss of a loved one.

we sang “it is well with my soul” in church, this morning, and it seemed appropriate to post this song on my blog, today, as the song goes on to say, “when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my soul.” though life hands us sorrows, and trials, we should press on and remember that “it is well with my soul”. He will bring us out of it, and if we rely on Him then things will work out. maybe not as we would like, but He has the ultimate plan.

and He had the Ultimate plan on this day 10 years ago. He knew what He was doing. maybe it was to bring this Nation closer together, to make people question and then turn to Him? we will never know until that day, when we can ask face-to-face. so, for now, remember these lyrics to the famous hymn, “it is well with my soul.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dear North Face [Rain Jacket]

Thank you, oh so much, for your great, handy, useful, and best rain jacket. You saved my butt when I walked out of class and it was pouring down rain. Luckily, I grabbed you out of the car, before heading to class. I wasn't smart enough to bring an umbrella, but you covered the job perfectly. Around 5 minutes into my walk I realized how thankful I was for you...my jeans were soaking wet, my feet and hands were cold, but you kept my upper-half warmer and dry! I was very impressed. So, thank you North Face for creating such a wonderful, and truly a waterproof rain jacket. You really made me semi-happier to be walking in the rain. :)
xo Meg

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dear Virginia

Oh, Virginia, you’ve been so good to me. Thank you for providing these mornings of sleeping past 9:30am, of sitting and having family breakfasts-not just the occasional family dinners, playing disk golf-losers always bought the drinks afterwards, going to the pool whenever we pleased, watching my brothers & dad play golf, rounds upon rounds of bananagrams, Boy Meets World DVD nights, movie nights, chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream in the freezer, trips to Target just to get decent coffee at the Starbucks, time to read my books, and much, much more!

Thank you for love the of my family and relaxation. Thank you for vacations, they should be taken more often.
Cheers, Meg
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